What is one good thing someone has done for you since COVID-19 has hit?

Susan Zimmerman: Our daughter has gone above and beyond to make sure that my husband and I maintained contact with our grandchildren, ages 2 and 4 months. I know countless grandparents have stayed in touch through technology, but what I loved was the way she shared these interactions. No staging, no Instagram worthy photos, no waiting for the kids to be on their best behavior. Our frequent FaceTime sessions with her and her little ones were live movies of unvarnished life with an unpredictable toddler and seemingly always hungry infant. We listened to the ABC song and tantrums, watched first smiles and crying meltdowns. I will always be grateful to our daughter and son-in-law, who were also teaching high school online for these past months, for taking time out of their hectic days to share real family time with us. 

Wanda Poor: Both of my children are calling me every day. What an encouragement. 

Judy Sattler: My 5-year-old grandson told me he didn’t want me to go to heaven and die because he would miss me. There are all sorts of ways to tell someone you love them and that was the best. 

Esther Nixon: Bring me coffee in bed🤩 

Robert Mullins: My newer neighbor, a young mother, made cookies and put a few in ziplock sandwich baggies and left them at my door and the door of other near neighbors. She wrote in black wide marker on the bag in joyous scroll, “Robert, A little something to brighten your day! (Heart shape) The Cikowskis”  

I’ve kept this bag hanging on my kitchen cabinet near the fridge as a daily reminder of joy, giving, and sharing that joy by giving, in ways I can for others. 

Kathy Antione: Two sweet friends have picked up groceries for me when they went shopping and dropped off at my house.  

Linda Murphy: A faithful member of the church staff laid soaker hoses throughout the front church flower beds; thereby easing the watering load during the dry summer months & keeping our grounds beautiful.

Faith Haddock: Our still-working daughter has shopped for us: groceries, pharmacy items, and even garden plants and other items.