A Prayer on Election Day 2020 - from A Pastor Prays for His People by Wendell Hawley
Eternal God, everlasting Father,
Great and marvelous are your works.
When we really contemplate you as Creator and sustainer of all things,
we are overawed by your greatness.
The flowers of the field are of greater beauty than Solomon in all his glory,
The sparrow is the recipient of your provision,
the object of your watch and care.
Nations and rulers are in place at your will and by your decree.
Events totally beyond our control
are subject to your purpose and determined will.
And in between sparrows and nations,
you extend your providential care to your children.
You, O God, asked Abraham: “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
We need to have such truth reinforced in our thinking—
for the enemy of our souls besieges us with doubts
about your involvement in our lives.
We are overwhelmed with contrary circumstances,
and we are sometimes almost drowning in despair.
We confess that we have almost made security and money our idols,
thinking that investments and governments would see us through.
Now we need to realize there is absolutely no security except in you.
You, Father God, are our secure provision . . . .
May that be our testimony this day.