A Pastor Prays for the Persecuted

Dr. Wendell Hawley shares with us a prayer for the persecuted church

Sovereign Lord,

We are overcome by the awful persecution of Christians in various places.

This Satanic activity against our brothers and sisters in the household of faith

would overwhelm us were it not for the fact that you know

every dear child of yours,

every detail,

every situation!

To the church at Smyrna you said: "I know your tribulations."*

and to the faithful in Pergamum: "I know where you live."*

We take solace in this--you know!

But still we would be dismayed for the persecuted ones

Were it not that you have said: "He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world!"*

You know, oh Lord, that every believer lives in a non-believing world

a world at times demonstrating its hatred of you and yours.

But your will and your purposes will be accomplished!

You are greater!

So we pray

that tested believers

persecuted saints

those who belong to you will know your presence

and your power

and your protection in fresh new ways

and that each one will experience


and hope

and confidence in the Lord of Glory.

Jesus, we pray that you will make real to the persecuted ones

Your very words of promise:

"Fear not little flock,"* praying in

every instance fear will be replaced with the joy of the Lord,

"who loved us and gave himself for us."


*Scripture passages in the order they were quoted: Rev. 2:9; 2:13; 1 John 4:4; Luke 12:32; Gal 1:4.